check it out.. warminster inspired him to design a pretty fast course..
i think the data aq has helped me get faster. i know i needed to use more of the car's grip in the slower speed transitions and i've applied it today. i 'would' have won by 3 tenths had i not coned it away...
Here's our fast run data. I was faster by 3 tenths in this overlay. click the pic for a full size image.

'qview' is what maxQ calls this type of data display.
- the width of the rectangles denote the amount of lat g pulled
- height of rectangles, longitudinal g.
- green denotes where i was faster compared to perry, yellow slower.
- now the extremely useful data is the blue and red shading. blue is accel, red decel. take a look where our brake and accel point are to see why i might've been faster in one section, or slower. white indicates neither accel nor decel. pretty friggin cool!
some data you can't see on the graph
average mph: dan 42.6mph, perry 42.2mph
peak lat g*: dan 1.07g, perry 1.01g
*'street' tires!
perry is badass.. he hopped in my car having never driven the setup, and was immediately super quick. sick!
looking forward to the next nnjr event..
Nice runs both of you. Your dirty run was smokin'! What the hell is the creaking noise??
Great stuff Dan. I now have lots of questions for you about MAXQ!
thanks guys.. the creaking is the old seat bracket i have. it loosens up all the time.
maxQ is almost TOO much info.. but good to have available when you need it. sometimes it's better on just focusing on driving and reviewing the data after the event is over.
hey dan, my name's doug. i was in the black rx-8 in STU. great driving from you and perry. i need to get myself a camera setup and maxq asap. :) i'll try to introduce myself next nnjr or philly event.
hey doug.. definitely say hi.
i highly recommend both the camera and data aq.. it really helps your learning curve exponentially. it's helping me for sure!
see you out there
Hi Dan:
Thanks for posting, esp. the Maxq stuff. What Pocket PC are you using?
Greg R
hey greg.. i bought the pocketpc that ed at maxQ recommends.. the hp ipaq rx4240. maxQ stocks them preloaded with the software.
plus he knows the ipaq inside and out.. comes in handy if you need help.
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