Saturday, October 31, 2009

happy halloween!

nothing's better than reconnecting with a car that has a lot of sentimental value.. i had the pleasure of driving my old civic in its full b16 glory! rad was ultra kind to let me drive it all day while he was tire warming for steguis.

chris shenefield set him up with some suspension magic, the quaife works wonders, and how sweet it was to turn the wheel again.

bmwclub at nassau from dan cheung on Vimeo.

not bad for hankook rs2's and a less than ideal alignment. very neutral balance and confidence inspiring. more negative camber up front and some star specs would really be the ticket! thanks a million rad! and congrats on the class championship steg!

a little sidenote- not to give chrome dome dixon an even bigger head but he really has the turn-in technique mastered. i've never felt anyone drive the way he does and there's a reason he earned a 'free' yellow corvette. you can't see it in the video so much as feel it when you're riding shotgun. he has this uncanny timing of dabbing the brake, loading up the front, and turning in.. all perfectly timed. it is an amazing feeling and he nails it nearly every time. it really is inspiring.
